Is your link really only a 1 sentence news article or did it just not load right? Didn't the manager call the cops on them for refusing to leave a business? Why are they getting paid for trespassing?

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

Can somebody explain to me why a business is obligated to host you when you're not a customer?

[–] Theodorekent 0 points (+0|-0)

Please note that the settlement was with the city, not the corporation.

The corporation did nothing illegal. I'm fairly certain the PPD did nothing illegal either, hence the symbolic 1$ settlement.

[–] Dudicles 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm fairly certain the PPD did nothing illegal either, hence the symbolic 1$ settlement.

Which is retarded. There is literally nothing to settle. This is just a precedence setter for other things, and it'll only be ground zero for another case of 'give an inch they take a mile.'

[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

there is a Looooooong tradition of coffee shops being places where people gather to socialize and conduct business. Like almost 400 years long.

as part of providing the space, they sell coffee and food.

the business model is to provide a nice place for people to gather and conduct business, etc. and sell them stuff.

And since the people running the place never ever enforced this "rule" for any of the white folks, it was really bad form.

Now if these guests had a bad habit of abusing the hospitality, that is one thing. But apparently it was their first visit.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

You're definitely right that coffee shops have a long tradition for hosting intellectual discussions (e.g. cafe culture in Vienna or Scotish Enlightenment). I never assumed they have historically been open to hosting non customers though. Do you have sources or more information I could read about this precedent?

[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

basically it just makes sense that you let people socialize on the presumption that sales will occur because you have a well liked product


Basically the concern about "open to hosting non customers though" involves with asshole management, or customers abusing the privilege but taking up space used by paying customers for long periods of time

for example:
