[–] PhunkyPlatypus 0 points (+0|-0)

I've been saying for years now that one day he could just snap and become a real super villian.

Not like Putin is a bond villian, but like full on costume and all.

Mother fucker gets my vote for most likely to hold the moon for ransom, or just straight up build a moon base.

[–] Chiefpacman 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

He gave a considerable amount of $ to Hillary Clinton during her campaign. More than just betting on the winner, he was Cali’s top Clinton donor.

He has had a makeover since his college days; some plastic surgery/ speech therapy.

Sorry for no link but I’m on my phone and I’m lazy. It’s easily found information.

He’s politicized and kind of disingenuous in my opinion. Tesla cars are over priced/ not revolutionary. Look at Chevy volt, same thing as base tesla model- much cheaper