The entire opening of the film is total bullshit

The film starts with the rescue of Han Solo after he was given to Jabba by Boba Fett. For some reason, the rescue plan involves sending basically all of the main characters to Jabba's palace one by one until they are all captured. Luke sends R2D2 and C-3PO to tell Jabba he is coming to discuss the release of Han Solo, and offers them both as gifts to show his good will. Then Leia shows up with Chewbacca and tries to escape with Han. If this was part of Luke's plan, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever if he is going to go to Jabba's palace himself. The only explanation is that Leia and Luke both had plans for rescuing Han, and somehow didn't consult each other before they conveniently tried to rescue him at around the same time.

In truth, the rescue scenes are all just an excuse to establish the beginning of the film and reintroduce all the characters. The only character that the film does not go to ridiculous lengths to introduce is Lando Calrissian. He just kind of appears out of nowhere in a disguise and lowers his mask to show Leia he is there. My guess is they filmed a scene where he got inside, but decided to cut it because the rescue portion of the film was already taking up too much screen time. Lando actually does nothing in the rescue scene apart from almost falling into the Sarlac pit.

So, once everyone has been captured and Luke kills the Rancor, they are taken to be thrown into the Sarlac pit. R2D2 opens a little compartment and fires out Luke's lightsaber so he can catch it and promptly start killing everything in sight. Why did he not just carry his lightsaber into the palace? That entire Rancor situation could have been avoided, and nobody else would have needed to be captured.

Yoda is a dickhole, Kenobi appears to explain plot again

Luke returns to Dagobah to finish his training. Yoda tells him that in order to become a Jedi, he needs to confront Darth Vader. What are the requirements for becoming a Jedi? Does Yoda just get to decide who is and isn't a Jedi?

Just before he dies, he tells Luke that there is another Skywalker. Can he not just fucking say "Leia is your sister"? It does not matter though, because Exposition Kenobi appears after Yoda dies to clear it up immediately. He also says that he took it upon himself to train Anakin Skywalker and implies that Yoda was also training him, neither of which are true because it was actually Liam Neeson who took it upon himself to train him.

Death Star plans

For the second time in Star Wars, the Rebels have acquired the Death Star plans. In the case of the first Death Star, we now have an entire film that details this process. With the second, it just seems like a convenient thing magicked out of thin air to get to the next part of the plot. The woman giving the briefing says something like "many Bothans died to give us this information". Who the fuck are Bothans and why is this never even talked about again at any point? It just seems like too big a thing to gloss over.

The Emperor will later inform Luke that he was the one that let the Rebels acquire the plans. If this is true, why not just give them some fake plans? Even better, maybe don't build the exact same flaw into the new Death Star that allowed the Rebels to blow the first one up.

Misc Stuff

In the scene where Luke tells Leia she is his sister, she says she has memories of her mother, which is not possible because she died in childbirth.

There is no way R2D2 should be able to navigate Endor with his shitty wheels.

Yoda and Kenobi both disappear when they die. Why? No other Jedi disappears like that.

##The entire opening of the film is total bullshit The film starts with the rescue of Han Solo after he was given to Jabba by Boba Fett. For some reason, the rescue plan involves sending basically all of the main characters to Jabba's palace one by one until they are all captured. Luke sends R2D2 and C-3PO to tell Jabba he is coming to discuss the release of Han Solo, and offers them both as gifts to show his good will. Then Leia shows up with Chewbacca and tries to escape with Han. If this was part of Luke's plan, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever if he is going to go to Jabba's palace himself. The only explanation is that Leia and Luke both had plans for rescuing Han, and somehow didn't consult each other before they conveniently tried to rescue him at around the same time. In truth, the rescue scenes are all just an excuse to establish the beginning of the film and reintroduce all the characters. The only character that the film does not go to ridiculous lengths to introduce is Lando Calrissian. He just kind of appears out of nowhere in a disguise and lowers his mask to show Leia he is there. My guess is they filmed a scene where he got inside, but decided to cut it because the rescue portion of the film was already taking up too much screen time. Lando actually does nothing in the rescue scene apart from almost falling into the Sarlac pit. So, once everyone has been captured and Luke kills the Rancor, they are taken to be thrown into the Sarlac pit. R2D2 opens a little compartment and fires out Luke's lightsaber so he can catch it and promptly start killing everything in sight. Why did he not just carry his lightsaber into the palace? That entire Rancor situation could have been avoided, and nobody else would have needed to be captured. ##Yoda is a dickhole, Kenobi appears to explain plot _again_ Luke returns to Dagobah to finish his training. Yoda tells him that in order to become a Jedi, he needs to confront Darth Vader. What are the requirements for becoming a Jedi? Does Yoda just get to decide who is and isn't a Jedi? Just before he dies, he tells Luke that there is another Skywalker. Can he not just fucking say "Leia is your sister"? It does not matter though, because Exposition Kenobi appears after Yoda dies to clear it up immediately. He also says that he took it upon himself to train Anakin Skywalker and implies that Yoda was also training him, neither of which are true because it was actually Liam Neeson who took it upon himself to train him. ##Death Star plans For the second time in Star Wars, the Rebels have acquired the Death Star plans. In the case of the first Death Star, we now have an entire film that details this process. With the second, it just seems like a convenient thing magicked out of thin air to get to the next part of the plot. The woman giving the briefing says something like "many Bothans died to give us this information". Who the fuck are Bothans and why is this never even talked about again at any point? It just seems like too big a thing to gloss over. The Emperor will later inform Luke that he was the one that let the Rebels acquire the plans. If this is true, why not just give them some fake plans? Even better, maybe don't build the exact same flaw into the new Death Star that allowed the Rebels to blow the first one up. ##Misc Stuff In the scene where Luke tells Leia she is his sister, she says she has memories of her mother, which is not possible because she died in childbirth. There is no way R2D2 should be able to navigate Endor with his shitty wheels. Yoda and Kenobi both disappear when they die. Why? No other Jedi disappears like that.

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