In Episode 4, Luke switches his targeting computer off, and blows up the first Death Star using the force. This feat consists of firing a torpedo through a 2x2m hole, whilst travelling at breakneck speeds and taking on fire from all directions. Considering he is capable of this, why does his first scene in Episode 5 involve him being knocked unconscious by a fucking yeti? He even asks his tauntaun what is wrong before the yeti hits him, yet he is unable to sense what is about to happen. This is a guy who is able to deflect a drone's blaster with a lightsaber whilst blindfolded.

After he has been knocked out by the yeti, it drags him back to a cave and hangs him upside down, presumably saving him to eat later. Luke uses the force to grab his lightsaber, and cuts the yeti's arm off. Then, for some inexplicable reason, he wanders out into a blizzard and stumbles hopelessly around the surface of Hoth. Why wouldn't he just kill the yeti and wait out the blizzard inside the cave until the morning, rather than fuck around outside when its about to get dark?

One cool thing I noticed is it looks like there is a droid in the Rebel bunker that looks a lot like K-2SO from Rogue One. However, it is mentioned in Rogue One that those droids are in the process of being phased out, so I wonder why there would be one inside the Hoth base 2 episodes later.

The Empire decides that the best way to find the hidden Rebel base is to just shit drones out towards different planets and hope that one finds something. A strange strategy, when you consider the later tactics employed by the "First Order" in Episode 7, in which they rely on a network of spies for information. Would it not be a better method, and probably within the Empire's ability, to simply look for supply ships heading to remote planets? It is actually mentioned by one of the Admirals on a star destroyer that the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of human life, so surely they would have been able to figure out something was going on if shit tons of ships started landing there. Nevertheless, it makes no difference, because when the Rebels become aware of something that is probably a drone belonging to the Empire, they go out and blow it up pointlessly, exposing themselves in the process for no reason whatsoever.

After the Rebels have given up the location of their hidden base, they need to evacuate. To get the transport ships past the Empire's fleet, they have a massive ion cannon that will fire into space and clear the path so people can escape. How the fuck do the Rebels have this kind of technology, and why do they never use it again at any point? It is capable of putting a star destroyer out of commission in 5 or 6 shots. The ion cannon is a bullshit way of magicking everyone off the planet to move the plot along.

When the AT-ATs are deployed, (which, come to think of it, how do they even deploy those things from space?) the Hoth battle starts. I love the Hoth battle but there is one thing that annoys me about it. Luke says something like "The armour is too strong, blasters won't work", and then they start firing the harpoons to tie up the legs of all the AT-ATs. When they get an AT-AT down, they shoot it with blasters a few times and it blows up. How is this possible? Does the armour cease to exist once it falls over?

Han and Leia are blocked off from the transport ships, meaning they have to leave on the Falcon. Darth Vader, not for the first or the last time in Star Wars, fails to get to the ship before it leaves because he is fucking incapable of any movement that exceeds a light stroll. If this lazy fuck tried jogging, not even running, there would have only been one Star Wars film.

When Luke lands on Dagobah, Yoda appears and starts acting like a lunatic in order to test Luke's patience. Luke is of course impatient, as any other sane person would be, and Yoda uses it as a basis to say he is not ready to be trained. Because Yoda is a dick. Also, Yoda "eats" one of Luke's sausages, except he doesn't, he just creepily touches it with his lips. I understand that it is difficult to make a puppet look like it is eating a sausage, but they could have put a cut in there and made it look believable.

Bounty hunters appear on Vader's ship to help him catch Han Solo. Seriously. They just appear out of thin air without a mention beforehand. How did all of them get there so quickly? It is even weirder when you consider that they would have had to navigate the asteroid field from the "this is no cave" scene.

How does Luke know he needs to go to Bespin to find Han and Leia? He has no way of knowing where they are. Unless you explain it by saying he used the force to find out where Leia was, but if he can't detect a fucking yeti that is 2 feet behind him, how can he locate someone that is halfway across a galaxy?

In Episode 4, Luke switches his targeting computer off, and blows up the first Death Star using the force. This feat consists of firing a torpedo through a 2x2m hole, whilst travelling at breakneck speeds and taking on fire from all directions. Considering he is capable of this, why does his first scene in Episode 5 involve him being knocked unconscious by a fucking yeti? He even asks his tauntaun what is wrong before the yeti hits him, yet he is unable to sense what is about to happen. This is a guy who is able to deflect a drone's blaster with a lightsaber whilst blindfolded. After he has been knocked out by the yeti, it drags him back to a cave and hangs him upside down, presumably saving him to eat later. Luke uses the force to grab his lightsaber, and cuts the yeti's arm off. Then, for some inexplicable reason, he wanders out into a blizzard and stumbles hopelessly around the surface of Hoth. Why wouldn't he just kill the yeti and wait out the blizzard inside the cave until the morning, rather than fuck around outside when its about to get dark? One cool thing I noticed is it looks like there is a droid in the Rebel bunker that looks a lot like K-2SO from Rogue One. However, it is mentioned in Rogue One that those droids are in the process of being phased out, so I wonder why there would be one inside the Hoth base 2 episodes later. The Empire decides that the best way to find the hidden Rebel base is to just shit drones out towards different planets and hope that one finds something. A strange strategy, when you consider the later tactics employed by the "First Order" in Episode 7, in which they rely on a network of spies for information. Would it not be a better method, and probably within the Empire's ability, to simply look for supply ships heading to remote planets? It is actually mentioned by one of the Admirals on a star destroyer that the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of human life, so surely they would have been able to figure out something was going on if shit tons of ships started landing there. Nevertheless, it makes no difference, because when the Rebels become aware of something that is probably a drone belonging to the Empire, they go out and blow it up pointlessly, exposing themselves in the process for no reason whatsoever. After the Rebels have given up the location of their hidden base, they need to evacuate. To get the transport ships past the Empire's fleet, they have a massive ion cannon that will fire into space and clear the path so people can escape. How the fuck do the Rebels have this kind of technology, and why do they never use it again at any point? It is capable of putting a star destroyer out of commission in 5 or 6 shots. The ion cannon is a bullshit way of magicking everyone off the planet to move the plot along. When the AT-ATs are deployed, (which, come to think of it, how do they even deploy those things from space?) the Hoth battle starts. I love the Hoth battle but there is one thing that annoys me about it. Luke says something like "The armour is too strong, blasters won't work", and then they start firing the harpoons to tie up the legs of all the AT-ATs. When they get an AT-AT down, they shoot it with blasters a few times and it blows up. How is this possible? Does the armour cease to exist once it falls over? Han and Leia are blocked off from the transport ships, meaning they have to leave on the Falcon. Darth Vader, not for the first or the last time in Star Wars, fails to get to the ship before it leaves because he is fucking incapable of any movement that exceeds a light stroll. If this lazy fuck tried jogging, not even running, there would have only been one Star Wars film. When Luke lands on Dagobah, Yoda appears and starts acting like a lunatic in order to test Luke's patience. Luke is of course impatient, as any other sane person would be, and Yoda uses it as a basis to say he is not ready to be trained. Because Yoda is a dick. Also, Yoda "eats" one of Luke's sausages, except he doesn't, he just creepily touches it with his lips. I understand that it is difficult to make a puppet look like it is eating a sausage, but they could have put a cut in there and made it look believable. Bounty hunters appear on Vader's ship to help him catch Han Solo. Seriously. They just appear out of thin air without a mention beforehand. How did all of them get there so quickly? It is even weirder when you consider that they would have had to navigate the asteroid field from the "this is no cave" scene. How does Luke know he needs to go to Bespin to find Han and Leia? He has no way of knowing where they are. Unless you explain it by saying he used the force to find out where Leia was, but if he can't detect a fucking yeti that is 2 feet behind him, how can he locate someone that is halfway across a galaxy?