[–] E-werd 0 points (+0|-0)

I have this on a cassette that, I kid you not, currently sits in the armrest of my car. Like most music from the time, it doesn't make near as much sense now as it did then. That was a weird transition phase between the "buy an album at a record store" times and the "download or stream the album online" that we are currently in. It was the tail end of most people listening to a whole album instead of cherry picking what they wanted.

Britney Spears is to the late 90's and early 00's what Michael Jackson was to the 80's. If they're still alive, they can always come back into the spotlight and be accepted. It's up to them.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

Except Jackson never went so crazy that he needed a conservatorship. Spears did. I think she still has one today, IIRC.