I 'member getting a bunch of Gore fanboy crap via snail mail. A few days later the story broke.

The DNC apologized. PBS never did.

I 'member getting a bunch of Gore fanboy crap via snail mail. A few days later the story broke. The DNC apologized. PBS never did.


[–] CDanger 4 points (+4|-0)

Lesson learned. This is why anytime I hear somebody say that they "trust" some random celebrity/business person/athlete/politician/etc, business, or charity I laugh at the naiveity. You've never met these people, and you have no idea what their internal politics and power struggles are. Even if there are some individuals looking to "do the right thing", that can quickly change if they get outnumbered, voted out, etc. Even those you closely know in real life might betray you for incredibly petty reasons, so why would anybody believe a large organization wouldn't look out for itself above you?