After all these years, the Cabal has finally won
But at what cost?!
After all these years, the Cabal has finally won
But at what cost?!
It sucks to see it go. That place was an internet haven for a lot of us misfits, and although I won't miss what it became, it definitely had an impact on my life. I don't really have much in common with the current generation of goats, but Voat gave them a gathering place and I hope they find a new one. Maybe that is Poal, I don't know, but wherever they land, I hope it will meet their needs.
Where will George Soros send shills now?
Wait, how do we know you're not one? They could be anywhere...
If George Soros is willing to pay me to post comments on the internet he's probably never read any of the comments I make :)
And nothing of value was lost.
Voat was dead anyway, some wanted it to go away.
Was fun to be part of the cool kids club
Welcome back to the reject table, then.
Good thing @kevdude protected voat to prevent this