I'm not sure if the bug was actually fixed or if I was unbanned from whatever subs that banned me. I know my account was recently unbanned from sbbh, but I am pretty sure I was still banned from a couple of Henrycorp's subs.

Either way, it's worth checking out if you were previously unable to delete your stuff.

Proof: https://voat.co/user/Oeethagreat

Edit: Never mind, I must have been unbanned from whatever subs. I tried an old alt from my days of bugging sanegoat and it still gets the "globally banned" warning.

I'm not sure if the bug was actually fixed or if I was unbanned from whatever subs that banned me. I know my account was recently unbanned from sbbh, but I am pretty sure I was still banned from a couple of Henrycorp's subs. Either way, it's worth checking out if you were previously unable to delete your stuff. Proof: https://voat.co/user/Oeethagreat Edit: Never mind, I must have been unbanned from whatever subs. I tried an old alt from my days of bugging sanegoat and it still gets the "globally banned" warning.


[–] Hitchens 2 points (+2|-0)

Did you get an unbanned message from a sub recently?

Yeah, from soapboxbanhammer. But I could swear I was banned from another sub.

[–] Hitchens 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

You got me excited to delete but I'm still banned from an abandoned sub.

I only go over there now to check for an update or fix to the unable to delete issue but it's completely obvious nothing will be done about it.

Phuk, feels nice to criticize that fucking place without PeacSeeker coming in and suckin off Putt for us.