-[–] 12543660 0 points (+0|-0) 17 hours ago

(ME: )I make a point of avoiding people like you.

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[–] 12544481 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago

defend and justify your point

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[–] 12544531 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago

(ME) simple. I stay away from annoying people, because i don't have time for that kind of bullshit.

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[–] 12544714 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 14 hours ago

ah, so you're a gay

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[–] 12549795 0 points (+0|-0) 1 hour ago

Ah so this is what voat is huh? People insulting you just for the sake of insulting..not being a decent human and trying to have a discussion over your differences like a mature person would.

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[–] 12550160 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 16 minutes ago (edited 15 minutes ago)

no, you're just stupid. sorry that reddit bans people for telling stupid people the truth about themselves and so you haven't heard it in a while.

actually i'm not sorry, i just thought i'd lead with that so you'd read the facts of my trufs

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[–] 12550243 0 points (+0|-0) 9 minutes ago

Thank you for proving my point.

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-[–] 12543660 0 points (+0|-0) 17 hours ago (ME: )I make a point of avoiding people like you. permalink save edit delete reply report [–] 12544481 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago defend and justify your point permalink parent save source reply report [–] 12544531 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (ME) simple. I stay away from annoying people, because i don't have time for that kind of bullshit. permalink parent save edit delete reply report [–] 12544714 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 14 hours ago ah, so you're a gay permalink parent save source reply report [–] 12549795 0 points (+0|-0) 1 hour ago Ah so this is what voat is huh? People insulting you just for the sake of insulting..not being a decent human and trying to have a discussion over your differences like a mature person would. permalink parent save edit delete reply report [–] 12550160 [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 16 minutes ago (edited 15 minutes ago) no, you're just stupid. sorry that reddit bans people for telling stupid people the truth about themselves and so you haven't heard it in a while. actually i'm not sorry, i just thought i'd lead with that so you'd read the facts of my trufs permalink parent save source reply report [–] 12550243 0 points (+0|-0) 9 minutes ago Thank you for proving my point. permalink parent save edit delete reply report


It looks weird. I couldn't figure out how to post screenshots.

I just joined Voat a day ago and can already see how toxic it is. People being offensive idiots just because they can.

[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

That is just the culture that has formed there. I don't want to circlejerk and say that it's a shithole, because it definitely has it's place, and I hope everything over there gets sorted out soon.

Yeah, it has a great layout and potential to be a wonderful place. I wish i could have experienced the old voat that I keep hearing as a good place. Now, it seems, the idiots have taken over. I have faith in humanity though. I'm going to stick around awhile and try to find a few good people. I feel like lot pleading to the lord to save Sodom and Gomorrah because there must be a few good people left in that wicked town.

At least voat isn't as fucked in the head as Raddle is.

[–] Podd 0 points (+0|-0)

You don't have to engage people who are offensive. It's more about people being able to say things that others find offensive and so those things are not allowed to be said at all. Free speech means that yes people are going to say things that upset you but we can also learn about things which we would otherwise not be allowed to learn in order to make an informed opinion on the world around ourselves.

Voat is for everyone, but everyone isn't for voat. People are mean but people are honestly themselves. I'd rather know who someone than think they're great when really they aren't.

[–] Skeeterdo 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

You'll find some quality conversations over there and a lot of times you won't. I could say that about every platform or for that matter anywhere in life.

Voat has a lot of middle people to extreme right. Mostly because ideas especially brutal ones were shoved into a corner.

You don't have to be apart of the site that's you're choice.

As far as being insulted and people being assholes you don't have to go onto voat to experience that. My life experiences with the average person has been full of nothing but selfish, mean, idiotic people and I got used to it.

As far as screenshots, press print screen on your keyboard go into paint, copy paste and edit your image accordingly. Then upload that image to your preferred hosting site.

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

meh, this sub has kinda been just a placeholder as a joke of MeanwhileOnReddit. We're not big on talking about what's going on over there. It's only been a recent thing with the surge from them going down.

Hi and welcome. Please poke around and let me know if you have any questions :)

Don't worry i wont be spamming this nice place with complaints about reddit or Voat or whatever. I just anted to share this one thing because that persons stupidity astounded me.

[–] Skeeterdo 1 points (+1|-0)

Oh I didn't see the sub name. was just browsing new, sorry for the reality check.

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

no worries, we have a lot of new people poking around. Just trying to give everyone a quick blurb about what they're getting into.

This site has been about 40 active regulars for a while, we've made our own rules and mostly talk to each other here a few times a week. Some things are circle jerking inside jokes. We had over 250 new people join up in the last few days O_O just kinda letting everyone know what's up. Even though the layout seems familiar, we play the game a little different. Hard to explain the joke until you see it play out.

Have fun and enjoy the site :)

[–] Violentlight 0 points (+0|-0)

Hey now. I have no problem with people using the sub to actually bitch about Voat.