Popped in to see what's going on and it's the same group of assholes accusing people of being shills and manufacturing drama. Felt good deleting that.

Popped in to see what's going on and it's the same group of assholes accusing people of being shills and manufacturing drama. Felt good deleting that.


[–] simone 5 points (+5|-0) 7 years ago

It's dog shit on top of dog shit there.

The drama they create is so pointless and serves no point. A year ago you could block all the bullshit but that bullshit has spread to every sub there.

[–] Owlchemy 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

Not every sub, but definitely going downhill fast. To me, they just grew too fast, taking in all the reddit rejects. Of course, that's how the forum took off in the first place, but you reach a point where you just can't absorb the BS anymore. The latest influxes are too young or warped to integrate into the culture there. So you get the shit ya got now. It's a shame. I just hope the same doesn't happen here.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

I was prompted to check something out there today and within minutes I had thrown up on myself. Then I died and was brought back to life by a junky giving me mouth to mouth. Now I'm addicted to heroin just like the junky lowlife Beatlejuice.

[–] Justintoxicated 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

I've lurked a couple times, never the old subs I used to frequent and contribute to (they're either ghost towns or degenerated into being totally asinine places overrun with drama/politics). I do look at some of the big site drama and laugh at it now though. I love what the founders tried to do when they created the site, however the user base has become so autistic and incoherent, like a very lazy broken record, it is impossible to develop thoughtful entertaining subs. I mean those fuckers drove Locke out and all he ever did was create amazing thoughtful and unique content.

[–] Owlchemy 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

I go back and forth ... but it is definitely on the down turn and getting worse all the time. They grew too fast and took in too many that aren't tolerated anywhere else. It's a shame. It doesn't help that the admin seems to have disappeared. Putt's working on code all the time and doesn't see to regular operations at all, with no interest in delegating any responsibility. So it is just disintegrating.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

Being an undesirable in a place full of them really makes me reflect. Jaggoffs.