Just when you thought the rabid hivemind could not possibly be any stupider..

"If reddit wants it, then that is all I need to know, I'm against it."


Logic, voat style.

Just when you thought the rabid hivemind could not possibly be any stupider.. "If reddit wants it, then that is all I need to know, I'm against it." https://voat.co/v/technology/2253983 Logic, voat style.


[–] jobes 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago Edited 7 years ago

Voat in a nutshell. I haven't been back there in what, 9 months? Feels good man

[–] TheRedArmy 4 points (+4|-0) 7 years ago

Arguably the majority of Americans in a nutshell (no idea what it's like in other countries).

"I support this theory/candidate/value system!"

"Oh, I actually prefer that theory to the one you like."

"You are a literal Nazi/libtard/Republicunt/feels over realz - UNFREINDED."

I haven't seen my old tabletop group in ages because my work schedule is ridonkulous, but one of the things I loved about us was that we ran the gamut - from politically left to right, economically collectivist to individualist, and everything in-between. It never got in the way of our friendship. We disagreed on how things should be, what the best policies are, what the best moral compass is. But we were always friends.

This was a group with a man whose faith and dedication to the church brought him to missionary work in South America. Another prayed before meals and believed in God, but despised organized religion. More than one was an ardent atheist. Only one among us was a libertarian (guess who). Some were conservative, others were liberal. There was one girl who would smoke pot for days unabashedly, but was uncomfortable with others saying "fuck". But our friendships remained strong, and though they waxed and waned with time, like any relationship, the bonds were never broken.

That's how things should be. Too many take attacks on what they believe as attacks on themselves. I want friends who don't always agree with me - because maybe I really am off my rocker, and a good kick in the ass from someone who knows I'll still love them afterward is exactly what I need to get back on the right track.

[–] jobes 5 points (+5|-0) 7 years ago

It never got in the way of our friendship

I miss that sort of political discourse. So many people become so emotionally tied to their beliefs that they can't fathom interacting with someone who has differentiating viewpoints. I used to look forward to going to lunch with co-workers to discuss politics and whatnot, but within the last few years I've started seeing co-workers (and family/friends) become openly hostile towards people with different ideas.

I just generally avoid most topics anymore with many people. There are still a few I see regularly so I can have great discussions and debates with, but I have to be super cautious anymore at work so I don't get James Damore'd

[–] TheRedArmy 5 points (+5|-0) 7 years ago

I just generally avoid most topics anymore with many people.

I feel the same way. It seems like the potential backlash, verbal argument/abuse, alienation, etc, that could happen isn't worth bringing it up. It's just "safer" to leave out the important issues and keep your opinion quietly to yourself. We really are in a kind of shaming culture - where the most effective way to get someone to stop doing something is to "air out" all their dirty laundry for all to see - and your political views ("You voted for Trump!?!?!) and personal values are just another way to attack someone in that manner.

I'm happy to say I don't generally feel apprehension on here about that kind of stuff. I'm generally open and honest, and only occasionally decide not to post an opinion, usually because I don't feel I'm articulating it enough, rather than any apprehension about others reading it on Phuks and how they will react to it.