[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

New sub. It's called Maine.

I shall use it to tell you about Maine. You can also use it to tell me about Maine. It's a pretty broad category, so I can post more stuff and have it be topical.

I see Maine through a different set of eyes than most, 'cause they're my eyes and I can't borrow eyes from a neighbor. I'm an "import" or "from away." I'll never be a Mainer, no matter how long I live here. I wasn't born here. I could have moved here within hours after my birth and then spent the next 80 years here. I'd still be 'from away.'

However, enough booze has resulted in me being given the title "Honorary Mainer" - many times. (We drink like fish here.)

So, I will share Maine through my eyes. As you can see from the picture, it's pretty awesome.

[–] angeredwhackjob 1 points (+1|-0)

Went here once, on a "leaf peeper" road trip with the grand parents. Breathtaking scenery. Best part was the $5 lunch special at some hole in the wall north oh Bangor, 12 steamer clams and a huge lobster tail. It was 1985 though.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Yeah, we get lots of leaf peepers. They'll be here soon.

It was down to 31° last night and the colors are starting to appear. I'll get pics for y'all when the time comes.

LOL We actually (depending on which one you go to) can get lobster rolls at McDonald's.

I'm not kidding.

They're actually good - and made with large chunks of lobster. There's quite a bit of lobster in them and they're really not expensive. I think they were less than $10.


Here's the secret.

Go to the bar on the coast. Look for a bar that has no tourist plates in the parking lot.

Find the man that looks tired.

Buy him a beer.

Be really interested in lobstering.

Buy him another beer.

Go outside and smoke a joint with him.

Buy him another beer.

Keep talking about lobster.

Ask him where the wharf is.

Note the directions.

Ask him about 'boat price.'

That phrase is the exact phrase you want to use.

Bribe him with more beer.

Remember his name.

Keep drinking.

Go to the wharf the following day.


Keep waiting...

The boats return and they're stuffed with delicious lobster.

Go to the dock.

Go down the dock.

Look hopeful.

Tell man on boat that the guy you met told you about 'boat price.'

That's the code word.

Use their name 'cause they won't be there - they got drunk the night before.


Boat price is the wholesale price. Round it up.

They're happy to make extra dollars, don't mind filling your cooler, you can add seaweed to keep 'em alive for the drive home, and you get delicious lobster at a few bucks a pound.

The last time I did this, I paid $1.75/pound (estimated) for soft-shell lobster.

You'll want to get a couple of 'boat price' sources. They don't mind - I've been doing this for years. I go down with a couple dozen coolers and put on lobster feasts, usually three or four times a year.

The code word is 'boat price' and the lobsterman's name.

Tada! Delicious lobster at wholesale price. Only tourists pay retail for lobster.

Once you're "in" then you don't have to worry about it anymore. They're not making less money by selling it to you - they're making a little more.

Avoid the heavily touristy areas, but somewhere like Bailey Island works. Just go out to the last island you can drive to, take a right on the only real road you can take a right on, and go around to the other side of the inlet. You can fake it and say that "John" said you could come down here and get lobster at "boat price."

The first time you do it, they'll maybe look at you funny. They'll still let you buy delicious lobster.

And, definitely get two (or more) places to get boat price. Only insane people have just one 'boat price' lobsterman. This is important enough to have a backup!

Mmm... Delicious lobster! I think I maybe paid $2.50/lb for hard shell lobster the time before that. They may have a scale right there - but if they don't then they'll just eyeball 'em and give you the benefit of doubt.

And, finally, always round up. If it's $1.75/lb and you get 20 lbs, give 'em $40 - and you're still making out like a bandit.

Shh! Don't tell too many people 'bout the 'boat price' secret. Not that it's a major problem - but that you'll end up with damned tourists making a line at the wharf and you'll have to wait longer for your delicious lobster!

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

That's awesome!

I spent some time near Bath many years ago during the fall. It was a great experience.

I'm hoping to get up to the White Mountains next year, but I'll be in NH.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Bath! They've got the giant crane! Sweet! (They won't let me play with it. I did a tour of the place and they politely declined my request to play with it.)

As for the White Mountains, I'm possibly mistaking something. You said that you're hoping to get there - but that you'll be in NH. The White Mountains are in NH.


Yup. I can see Mt. Washington - right this minute. It's right out my window - sorta.

I'm not very far away, as the crow flies. I'm over in Rangeley, Maine.

As the sub progresses, I'm pretty sure I'll tell you about my weather! Oh, man! I get some glorious weather! My house has extra "J-bolts" to hold it to the foundation. My chicken coop is bolted into a concrete pad, 'cause Mother Nature is a terrible thief and the wind steals anything not tied down.

I'm not as high as Mt. Washington, as I'm down around 2800' above sea-level. I don't actually know what my record wind speed is, 'cause Mother Nature steals that too. I've gone through a half dozen of the wireless weather stations.

We get some absolutely spectacular weather! I've got a big and modern home. Mother Nature does not care - she shakes the whole thing. It's pretty much the best day ever when we get a giant storm or a blizzard decides to sit a spell and dump a few feet of snow or just hang out for like a week.

Because they're small enough to not get stolen by Mother Nature, and because I'm too lazy to sink sauna tube and put a pole in to mount a better weather station, I do have temperatures for my location. Last year, I hit -43°! Yup, it's every bit as awesome as you might imagine!

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

The weather is crazy from what I hear.

The Whites do extend slightly into Maine, but most of the range is in NH.

That's rude they didn't let you try the crane lol.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Yup. they do - but you'll already be in NH, so you can go to the White Mountains. I think they consider them the White Mountains as far as Bethel - but don't quote me on that. No, really... Don't quote me on that!

Oh, shit!

Wait - you're the dude that wants to hike/camp Mt. Washington - from Voat, right?

IIRC, you were going to come up and go camping and hike the trails for like a week?

And, yeah - the weather is absolutely spectacular here.

Mt. Washington holds the record for the highest record wind speed on land. IIRC (and this isn't a typo) it's 231 MPH. Yeah... 231 MPH.

When I have one, when Mother Nature isn't being a horrible thief, it's not uncommon to see winds holding steady at 40 to 60 MPH and gusts will go over 80 MPH. That doesn't happen every day, but it's not uncommon.

The wind pretty much never stops. I have two wind turbines, and they automatically brake when they go over 34 MPH and 29 MPH. So, I know the wind hardly ever stops - but I'm unable to tell what the actual speed is when Mother Nature gets a good drunk going and decides to try to steal my turbines.

If you're the same person (I spoke to you like a year ago, on Voat), then you were supposed to get some time and decide when you were going to do your hike and I'd let you know what else was available at that time.

To be quite frank, Mt. Washington is beautiful - but there's better places (I think) to hike and camp. Plus, the weather at the top of Mt. Washington is pretty awesome and not always what it's like at the bottom of the mountain - or even halfway up the mountain.

Disclosure: If I think the weather is "awesome" then you might really want to consider the source and weight my opinions carefully. I love the cold and snow. I love giant winds that'll knock over even fat kids, where even adults have to struggle against it. If I get 24" of snow in 24 hours, I consider that a 'pretty damned good day.'