Are you familiar with functions and aliases? I made this one a function, I don't recall when you are supposed to use a function as opposed to an alias.
I have a file ~/bin/functions
which I add this..
5phuks () {
for i in {1..5}; do firefox; done
In .bashrc
I have this...
if [ -f bin/functions ]; then
. bin/functions
Source bashrc with . .bashrc
, then run 5phuks
as a command.
I don't use functions or aliases a whole lot, nowhere near what some people do, but I do have a few aliases I like a lot. eg.. a handful
alias acs='apt-cache search'
alias acsh='apt-cache show'
alias hisgrep='history | grep -i'
lynxd='lynx -dump'
lynxs='lynx -source'
And what will this do?Nevermind I worked it out.
was what I needed to type.