Walking away might seem like the losers option at first but in my experience if someone is going to treat you badly once, more often than not they will do it again and again and it will be a mask for deeper issues they have.

Walking away might seem like the losers option at first but in my experience if someone is going to treat you badly once, more often than not they will do it again and again and it will be a mask for deeper issues they have.


[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

The way I get even with people is to dump my resources, time, and contacts into giving them so much success that they can't handle it and everything in their life goes down the drain. There's nothing more satisfying than watching someone tear themselves to pieces because they had everything and destroyed it themselves. You are your own worst critic and that voice almost never stops.

Edit: I just realized that if there were ever a "wholesome" revenge, this is probably it.