It's more like pissing through the wrong hole.
I think enough fecal matter to throw the underwear away would qualify.
It's more like pissing through the wrong hole.
I think enough fecal matter to throw the underwear away would qualify.
Yes. Although details are hazy if you take a liquid one, wipe and get up and put your pants on them almost immediately have to sit to shit again. Is that one or two?
there's a very good question. i think there's a roughly 10 minute grace period where, if you return, it'll still usually count as the same dump. if it's on the long end of the grace period and the second dump is significantly different in multiple ways [ie smell, density, color], i'd count it as separate but if you had something that your body only half digested you could have a solid dump that then clears the way for the liquid around the corner that i'd count as one.
10 minutes is a good grace period. That also prevents people from exploiting the system by intentionally taking half shits and returning a minute later to count it as two
I like when it's just a deluge of fluid, but you feel a couple small chunks slipping through. Sometimes they are big enough to clog the hole for a second and shoot out as the pressure behind them mounts.
liquid shits count but i wouldn't count sharts unless they had a significant amount of fecal material.