Michael had shown no interest in politics since rejecting the crown offered him by Nicholas in March 1917. He lived quietly on his estate at Gatchina, near Petrograd, shunning politics and keeping out of the public eye. How unconcerned he was with political events bay be gathered from the fact that a few days after turning down the throne, he appeared before the astonished officials of the Petrograd Soviet with a request for permission to hunt on his estate.
Pipes, Richard. "The Murder of the Imperial Family." The Russian Revolution. New York: Knopf, 1990. 746. Print.
Original Source Listed:
Simon Liberman, Building Lenin’s Russia (Chicago, 1945), 56-57.
Further Reading:
Михаи́л Александрович (Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich of Russia)
Николай II Алекса́ндрович (Tsar Nicholas II of Russia) / Nicholas the Bloody
Большой Гатчинский дворец (The Great Gatchina Palace)
Санкт-Петербу́рг (Saint Petersburg) / Петрогра́д (Petrograd) / Ленингра́д (Leningrad)
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