The daughter of King Ludwig I of Bavaria, Princess Alexandra Amelie was the only one of her nine siblings who never married. Her father put off would-be suitors by claiming she was in fragile health. But her health wasn’t the only thing fragile about Alexandra. At age 23, the pretty, dark-haired princess was found walking slowly, carefully, bow-leggedly down the corridors of the royal palace. When questioned by her worried parents, she claimed that as a little girl she had swallowed a full-size glass grand piano. The princess was worried that if she bumped into something, the piano inside her would shatter and leave her in bloody shreds.


McRobbie, Linda Rodriguez. “The Mad Princesses (And One Who Probably Wasn’t).” Princesses Behaving Badly: Real Stories From History-- Without the Fairy-Tale Endings. MJF Books, 2013. 250. Print.

Further Reading:

Ludwig I of Bavaria

Alexandra Amelie of Bavaria

>The daughter of [King Ludwig I of Bavaria](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Ludwig_I_of_Bavaria.jpg), [Princess Alexandra Amelie](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/1826_Alexandra.JPG) was the only one of her nine siblings who never married. Her father put off would-be suitors by claiming she was in fragile health. But her health wasn’t the only thing fragile about Alexandra. At age 23, the pretty, dark-haired princess was found walking slowly, carefully, bow-leggedly down the corridors of the royal palace. When questioned by her worried parents, she claimed that as a little girl she had swallowed a full-size glass grand piano. The princess was worried that if she bumped into something, the piano inside her would shatter and leave her in bloody shreds. ________________________ **Source:** McRobbie, Linda Rodriguez. “The Mad Princesses (And One Who Probably Wasn’t).” *Princesses Behaving Badly: Real Stories From History-- Without the Fairy-Tale Endings*. MJF Books, 2013. 250. Print. ________________________ **Further Reading:** [Ludwig I of Bavaria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_I_of_Bavaria) [Alexandra Amelie of Bavaria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Princess_Alexandra_of_Bavaria)

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