Lizzie, meanwhile, in the presence of Miss Russell, said that she thought one of her father’s enemies was out to get him. She was convinced that the sickness her father, stepmother and she had suffered overnight was a result of someone deliberately poisoning their milk. Miss Russell tried to calm Lizzie down, but to little avail.

Curiously, at her trial, Lizzie’s defence counsel tried to blame the conversation on her ‘monthly female condition’.


Klein, Shelley. “Lizzie Borden.” The Most Evil Women in History. Barnes & Noble Books, 2003. 14. Print.

Further Reading:

Lizzie Andrew Borden

>[Lizzie](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/71/Lizzie_Borden_1890.jpg), meanwhile, in the presence of Miss Russell, said that she thought one of her father’s enemies was out to get him. She was convinced that the sickness her father, stepmother and she had suffered overnight was a result of someone deliberately poisoning their milk. Miss Russell tried to calm Lizzie down, but to little avail. >Curiously, at her trial, Lizzie’s defence counsel tried to blame the conversation on her ‘monthly female condition’. ________________________ **Source:** Klein, Shelley. “Lizzie Borden.” *The Most Evil Women in History*. Barnes & Noble Books, 2003. 14. Print. ________________________ **Further Reading:** [Lizzie Andrew Borden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizzie_Borden)

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