During the Democratic primary campaign in 1976, Arizona Congressman Morris (“Mo”) K. Udall went into a barbershop in a little New Hampshire town one day, shook hands with the barber and his customer, and cried: “Hi, I’m Mo Udall. I’m running for President.”

”Yeah, we know,” said the barber. “We were laughing about it this morning.”

Udall enjoyed telling the story.


Boller, Paul F. “On the Campaign Trail.” Congressional Anecdotes. New York: Oxford UP, 1991. 140. Print.

Original Source Listed:

Harris, Potomac Fever, 203.

Further Reading:

Morris King Udall

United States Presidential Election of 1976

>During the Democratic primary campaign in 1976, Arizona Congressman [Morris (“Mo”) K. Udall](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Morris_Udall.jpg) went into a barbershop in a little New Hampshire town one day, shook hands with the barber and his customer, and cried: “Hi, I’m Mo Udall. I’m running for President.” >”Yeah, we know,” said the barber. “We were laughing about it this morning.” >Udall enjoyed telling the story. ______________________________ **Source:** Boller, Paul F. “On the Campaign Trail.” *Congressional Anecdotes*. New York: Oxford UP, 1991. 140. Print. **Original Source Listed:** Harris, *Potomac Fever*, 203. _____________________________ **Further Reading:** [Morris King Udall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_Udall) [United States Presidential Election of 1976](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_1976)