That same day he [Napoleon Bonaparte] sent a senior staff officer, Colonel Joseph Beauvoison, to the Holy Land to try to open negotiations with Ahmed Jezzar, the pasha of Acre (discouragingly nicknamed ‘The Butcher’), an enemy of the Mamluks and a rebel against the Turks. Jezzar specialized in maiming and disfiguring people, but also in devising horrific tortures such as having his victims’ feet shod with horseshoes, walling up Christians alive and stripping corrupt officials naked before having them hacked to death.
He killed seven of his own wives, but his hobby was cutting flower shapes out of paper and giving them to visitors as presents.
Roberts, Andrew. "Egypt." Napoleon: A Life. New York: Penguin, 2014. 180. Print.
Original Source(s) Listed:
Montefiore, Jerusalem p. 315.
CG2 No. 4280 p. 874.
Further Reading:
Hohoho, Origami, basically. Neat.
Reminds me of the objectives in Sengoku Rance, a fantastic H/RPG/Strategy/VN game I play. You get bonus points for completing objectives set by the game -
As you say in the title, Locke, one is not like the others. :p