When Hawaii's Japanese-American Daniel Inouye first entered the Senate, his colleagues had trouble pronouncing his name. But one day, at a meeting of the Commerce Committee, one of the Senators, angry about an amendment just made to a bill under discussion, blurted out: "I will not accept that amendment - in no way!"

"Gentlemen," said Senator Inouye triumphantly, "that is exactly how you pronounce my name!"


Boller, Paul F. “Comedy.” Congressional Anecdotes. New York: Oxford UP, 1991. 168. Print.

Original Source Listed:

Cotton, In the Senate, 175.

Further Reading:

井上 建 / Inoue Ken (Daniel Ken "Dan" Inouye)

When Hawaii's Japanese-American [Daniel Inouye](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/38/Daniel_Inouye%2C_official_Senate_photo_portrait%2C_2008.jpg) first entered the Senate, his colleagues had trouble pronouncing his name. But one day, at a meeting of the Commerce Committee, one of the Senators, angry about an amendment just made to a bill under discussion, blurted out: "I will not accept that amendment - *in no way*!" >"Gentlemen," said Senator Inouye triumphantly, "that is exactly how you pronounce my name!" __________________________________ **Source:** Boller, Paul F. “Comedy.” *Congressional Anecdotes*. New York: Oxford UP, 1991. 168. Print. **Original Source Listed:** Cotton, *In the Senate*, 175. __________________________________ **Further Reading:** [井上 建 / Inoue Ken (Daniel Ken "Dan" Inouye)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Inouye)

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