[–] KillBill 2 points (+2|-0)

I waited and waited for the vocals to kick in but it was in vain. ;)

Merry Christmas to you all there.

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I couldn't possibly sing and play that. I guess I could have added a vocal track.

[–] OeeThaGreat 2 points (+2|-0)

I am glad to see you are still kicking out the jams. How is everything going with your recovery?

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

I am recovering at a more rapid pace than anticipated, thanks for asking!

And, either tonight or tomorrow morning (I can't be exactly sure), I'll have been playing for five decades.

[–] OeeThaGreat 1 points (+1|-0)

Wow! It hasn't even been that long since I stopped pooping my pants!

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

For Christmas of 1967, I was allowed to get a guitar, and guitar lessons. However, the condition was that I study classical guitar and take formal tutelage. Which was for the best, though absolutely not what I get paid to play. It's quite complex and has been the foundation that I have used to play every genre but classical music.

Anyways, the family said I'm allowed out of bed at 13:00. So, I'm off to entertain people and play host. Enjoy your holiday!

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Merry Christmas big guy! I've been following your recovery here and there on Voat hope you have a great Christmas!

[–] Polsaker 0 points (+0|-0)

I just added instaudio expandos, just for you ;D

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Holy fuck.

I am honored. I truly am.

You really, really have done a great thing. That was exceptional and I'm going to consider that a gift.

[–] Polsaker 0 points (+0|-0)

Haha, a christmas gift :p

Don't mind it, it was a really simple tweak

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Please expand the thread. I just dropped something you've never heard. You'll like it.

That's a guy named Paul. He's singing. I'm playing one of the guitars.

We had to cut it short. We only had like 45 minutes total and only one stage out of three.

You made that expando! I'll check it out later. But, I'm shitfaced. I had to get help to bed.

Actually fuck it.

You can hear my band - as can everyone else who listens. I'm directly prohibited, by promise, to not disclose my band on Voat.

This isn't Voat.


That's for you, if you want to hear my band.

I really do appreciate the expando. Music means a lot to me, obviously.

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

Merry Christmas to you too! Very soothing playing right there

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Guess what?

I just celebrated 5 decades of playing guitar.

Five fucking decades.

I practice 2 to 4 hours per day.

For five fucking decades.

I'm not nearly as good as I should be! ;-)

(I'm also trashed.)

You know... I'm shitfaced.

I'm playing in front of about 120,000 people for this. The band's name was Kaös. Trust me... The umlauts were important.

You've never heard this.


Note the private status. Fuck it....

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

I'll listen to it once my family goes to bed. Merry Christmas!

[–] TheBuddha [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Um... Much of what I've been sharing should have volume. So, you have been warned.

I'm shitfaced and being insanely open - but I have an ulterior motive. I am going to teach the band that there's more than Facebook and free speech matters. I'm pretty shitfaced. They'll hear of this soon. They will adjust.

So, there's some stuff. Open this whole thread and give it a listen - if you want.