In this article, I review a used Dillion DR 450 and give it a thumbs down. It's a damned shame, 'cause it should be an excellent guitar - and it could have been an excellent guitar.
I'm unwilling to pay their asking price and I explain why that is.
In my typical fashion, I try to make it informative and interesting to read. I may do more reviews, but I'm not sure that's a direction the site should go. Many other people already review this equipment and, while I don't always agree with them, I'm not sure that my views should carry any more weight than their views.
After all, they may legitimately like shitty equipment and getting paid for their review has nothing to do with it! (I kid, I kid... Or do I?)
By the way, for those of you who do read the site, I'm pretty curious about two things:
For instance, I make fun of First Act quite a bit. I'm considering buying the cheapest First Act I can find and then buying the most expensive First Act I can find - so that I can review them both.