Greymatterphilosphy is what I call my school of thought. I originally made a sub on reddit but decided to make one here as well. This is a place for me to post philosophical thoughts I come up with. original sub.

Greymatterphilosphy is what I call my school of thought. I originally made a sub on reddit but decided to make one here as well. This is a place for me to post philosophical thoughts I come up with. original [sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreymatterPhilosophy/).


[–] pmyb2 0 points (+0|-0)

If you can stomach it. Make it on poal too we can always use more philosophy on phuks and poal.

Ok I will sign up and make a sub on Poal to also is there a particular reason why it would be hard to stomach?

[–] pmyb2 0 points (+0|-0)

Well on poal there are no limits on speech so anyone can say anything. That can turn people off and make people uncomfortable. Poal protects hate speech because its free speech.