[–] TheRedArmy 2 points (+2|-0)

Well, I'm a passing soccer fan, although I do know the rules well enough to actually comment on them. ** Off-sides:** Soccer's off-side rule has always been weird to me. The fact that the defense can manipulate where the off-sides actually is by their positioning strikes me as extremely odd. For instance in hockey, the rink is divided up into three zones - if I'm on team Red, these are the defensive zone (where my goalie/goal is), the neutral zone (in the middle), and the offensive zone (where the other team's goalie/goal is. You are considered off-sides when the puck enters the offensive zone behind one of the offensive players. Put another way: The puck must be the first thing to enter the offensive zone for an attacking team. I've seen a couple matches of Soccer where a pass is kicked far ahead, and I'm thinking "Wait, shouldn't that be off-sides?" But it's not called; and other games where they do call it and I don't understand why. It's just weird to me.

"Power plays" and orange cards: Presumably these would be tied together in some way, but this does seem gimmicky. It kind of works in hockey (possibly my favorite sport to watch), but it seems odd in Soccer. There aren't enough quality scoring chances and losing one person for a short period of time is not enough of an impact to be meaningful, it would seem. Although I do think a team losing a player for the match for a red card is a bit extreme - I would be fine with just an ejection of the player and forcing someone to come in for them. If you want to induce extra penalties, you could make it cost a substitution and possibly disallow the sub if they are out of substitutions. ** No Extra time and quarters:** It seems like the sport actually needs this (or something like this) in a bad way. The whole extra time bit is kind of madness, if you ask me. How about just stop the clock when the ball goes out of play, and then start it back up when play resumes? Literally every other sport that is timed manages to do this without incident. Particularly with extra time, when FIFA has so many allegations of corruption and cheating and whatnot, and the referee can basically cut extra time short or make it run long basically at his own discretion? Cutting the game into quarters (which would be a wonky time amount - 22 and a half minutes?!?!) is unnecessary, but keeping time seems like an easy and much-needed change.

Time limit for shootouts: Is this a serious issue? It's just a shootout; how long can it go on for? Players miss in shootouts often enough, or goalie guess right often enough that this doesn't seem like a big deal - but a more hardcore fan might know better.

[–] OeeThaGreat 0 points (+0|-0)

Maybe Three 30 minute periods would be a good way to split up the game and it wouldn't be such an odd measure of time. But what the hell do I know, I'm not a fan of Football(both American and Everybody else football).

However, I do agree that hockey is the best sport ever. Go Red Wings!!!

[–] TheRedArmy 1 points (+1|-0)

Woo! A fellow Red Wings fan!

Playoff Hockey is absolutely the best thing ever. I'll watch it all day every day.

[–] OeeThaGreat 0 points (+0|-0)

Yeah! I'm the mod of v/detroitredwings.

We have not done very well this season. But I bought this Red Wings hat at GoodWill, on Saturday, and we haven't lost a game since. I am pretty sure that this hat has magical powers.

[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

What a cunt. Good luck with those rule changes. Literally nobody would pay any attention to them.