[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

Virtually all the reputable literature on G.M.O.s has found no indication of increased health or environmental risks from genetically modified foods.

I mean, sure I have no doubt that consuming gene edited plants is safe in general. It's just many of these plants are bred/engineered specifically to withstand massive amounts of pesticide and that gets absorbed by many plants, fruits especially, and that gets absorbed into your bloodstream. This is especially prevalent in fruits that are bred to retain more water so they grow larger and have longer shelf life, like apples and strawberries.

On top of that, Monsanto just has shitty business practices. You can't legally plant any seeds you buy from a general grain elevator anymore because they are often littered with some of their seeds and they will sue you if you happen to grow something of theirs without a proper contract.

[–] Butler_crosley 3 points (+3|-0)

Is Bayer still continuing that practice now that Monsanto is gone?

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Good question, I honestly don't know. It may not be as large of an issue now that Bayer is focusing more heavily on seed coatings and other chemical additives.