In response, SCBI researchers, in collaboration with the Black-footed Ferret Recovery Program, are working with agencies such as the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Colorado Division of Wildlife to dust prairie dog towns with an insecticide that reduces the spread of the plague. They are also partnering with non-profit group Prairie Wildlife Research to survey wild populations in reintroduction field sites such as one in Meeteetse, Wyo. As part of this research, they collect blood, hair and ectoparasites, which are all banked at a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facility in Colorado.
From the pic's site:
> In response, SCBI researchers, in collaboration with the Black-footed Ferret Recovery Program, are working with agencies such as the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Colorado Division of Wildlife to dust prairie dog towns with an insecticide that reduces the spread of the plague. They are also partnering with non-profit group Prairie Wildlife Research to survey wild populations in reintroduction field sites such as one in Meeteetse, Wyo. As part of this research, they collect blood, hair and ectoparasites, which are all banked at a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service facility in Colorado.
From the pic's site: