The builds are in. Here's the map for the new phase.
Sorry for the delay, but one of our players had his internet shut off temporarily. The issue should be resolved now.
The text form of orders are below.
England (@TheRedArmy)
- No adjustments
France (@Fluf)
- No adjustments
Germany (@Boukert)
- Disband F Hel
Italy (@Jidlaph)
- No adjustments
Austria (@Redviiper)
- A Vie
Russia (@Skyrock)
- A War
Turkey (@PMYA)
- A Ank
With that, the orders are in. This Spring 1903 negotiation phase is beginning at 10 AM GMT Sunday, March 5th. It will end at 10 AM GMT Tuesday, March 7th. Orders are due within 24 hours of that time, or 10 AM GMT, Wednesday, March 8th. Please get them in on time.
Good luck!
-The GM
Sorry, a bit late all. My orders are here.
Just so we have adequate warning, everyone has 24 hours from this post to get their orders in to me. Good luck.
@fluf @boukert @jidlaph @redviiper @skyrock @pmya