After Germany got hit with a massive heatwave that turned my brain into a baked potato every night after work and I was barely functional enough to hydrate myself, today I got around to install vDiplomacy - and couldn't get it to run. The update script from v1.00 to v1.43 was riddled with typos and errors, and even after going through them line by line and killing passwords everywhere (something I wouldn't normally do if I were to run the program on the web, but for a local install I don't care), it still runs into database errors at every turn.

As for alternatives, I looked into jDip, and creating a new variant for it seems to be much less work than to whip vDiplomacy into useable shape (especially as the map, the province list and the adjacency list already exist to 98% from the classic Calhamer map). All I need to do is to doodle into the existing SVG map and rewrite a few lines in XML. I hope I will get done with that in the next couple of days.

After Germany got hit with a massive heatwave that turned my brain into a baked potato every night after work and I was barely functional enough to hydrate myself, today I got around to install vDiplomacy - and couldn't get it to run. The update script from v1.00 to v1.43 was riddled with typos and errors, and even after going through them line by line and killing passwords everywhere (something I wouldn't normally do if I were to run the program on the web, but for a local install I don't care), it still runs into database errors at every turn. As for alternatives, I looked into jDip, and creating a new variant for it seems to be much less work than to whip vDiplomacy into useable shape (especially as the map, the province list and the adjacency list already exist to 98% from the classic Calhamer map). All I need to do is to doodle into the existing SVG map and rewrite a few lines in XML. I hope I will get done with that in the next couple of days.


[–] Skyrock [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

The SVG map is up and running.

XML files are written, but jDip is complaining about the closing tag, without me being able to find what upsets it (and the error message not being helpful). Bah, I will worry about it again tomorrow, and if everything else fails I will go full old-school.