[–] CDanger 3 points (+3|-0)

Have these desert morons not mastered logic? You can't change your story from "he left the embassy, we don't know where he is" to "we didn't authorize him being killed" to "we killed him in a fight, it was self defense". I guess they might as well say his was abducted by aliens because there won't be consequences anyway, so it would be better if they prevent this farce.

Viewing this from the other side, why is Turkey so upset about this? I don't buy for a minute that they truly care about the rights of a foreign journalist. What is their motivation to make a big stink about this?

[–] doggone [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Turkey is aligned with Assad and Iran and are anti Israel, and they are with the Houthis in the Yemen thing. The Sauds oppose them.


Actually, Turkey wants Assad gone, iirc... it's complicated over there.

[–] CDanger 2 points (+2|-0)

Good explanation. Interesting how those alliances have shifted in the last 15 years; before the Gaza flotilla, Turkey and Israel were quite close. I'd be perfectly content to leave the whole middle east alone and let these wonderful people settle their differences among themselves.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

The aftermath of the Gaza flotilla is what really gets me. In a move worthy of a mafia movie, Erdogan apologized to Netanyahu. Presumably because his citizens got in the way of those bullets or something

Meanwhile the Saudis are selling everyone oil, Jordan is the marketplace for every arms deal on the planet, Egypt has so many angry citizens that their president fled the capital and the military is given control, Iran is rioting over alleged voter fraud, and Iraq goes nuts because the US got tired of occupying them.

And then the superpowers of the world act all surprised about these isis guys, after a decade of watching Syria getting pumped full of guns, dirty money, and every violent group that got displaced from the dozen wars in the region.

Fucking. Lol.

[–] PhuksMulder 1 points (+1|-0)


Buffalo Springfield - For What Its Worth

[–] doggone [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)


[–] PhuksMulder 2 points (+2|-0)

Nah, I applied it in the sense you've got two shitholes and are expected to choose btw them. Both are shitty options leaving everything unclear.