[–] Dii_Casses 4 points (+4|-0)

There is a great quote I heard a long time ago:

If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything.

All you get for feigning compliance is the stress of having to keep track of who you can and can't speak openly with. And we are rapidly hurtling towards the future where Siri and Alexa are the ones that will snitch on you.

If you have a hard decision to make, such as choosing between getting vaccinated or losing your job, choose the option that lets you sleep with a clean conscience.

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

These aren't govt issued cards, they're basically a hand written receipt from the site location you went to. It might as well be a sticky note. They weren't used to break any law.

followup: They're being charged with wire fraud, which is probably the payment for buying the card and pills, and for breaking a law that was made in 1996 for people running a health care benefit program.


which is related to federal health care programs


  • tipster said family members had purchased immunization pellets from the doctor

There's the actual violation.