[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

Of course they do. If the government promised them full plains to send us all to the gulag, they would endorse that too.

They sold out our freedoms after 9/11 too by not pushing back against the ridiculous security theater that makes flying an incredibly unpleasant experience. They should have been on our side standup up against pointless and intrusive "security" screening, but instead they embraced the TSA because some of the idiots flying feel safer with this kind of show. Since they have no interest in defending our freedoms, I wish more people would stand up and boycott them loud and clearly. That's the only way they'll listen.

Looks like they can't wait for round 2 of this with Covid. Fuck them and their bailouts.

[–] jobes [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

I remember how before the 9/11 bullshit, I would go to the airport with friends to just hang out. They'd just let us in and walk around the terminal and do whatever we wanted. I actually went to the airport on a few dates. That concept just sounds so foreign to me now...fuck them