[–] smallpond 2 points (+3|-1)

President Donald Trump has denied that there’s a ventilator shortage, a dangerous lie. Trump told Sean Hannity on Fox News last night that he doesn’t like hearing “complaints” from governors and that states don’t actually need more ventilators, contradicting overwhelming evidence that hospitals across the U.S. will need thousands more ventilators in the coming weeks.

“I think that a lot of things are being said that are more [than needed],” Trump said of the medical equipment being asked for by governors. “I don’t think certain things will materialize. A lot of equipment’s being asked for that I don’t think they’ll need.”

[–] PMYA [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Cases in the US are about to skyrocket. It is very alarming that whilst behind time wise to China since the outbreak, there are more cases now and it also seems like not a great deal of testing has even been done.