

[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

How did you survive Heaven's Gate?

[–] Hockey_Sweater [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago Edited 7 years ago

What does Heaven's Gate have to do with the time AIDS killed 30 million and its homophobia was downloaded onto skinny boys with freckles when rap music suddenly went mainstream in 1990 and through unlearning racism by Holocaust?

You have to be brainwashed into population replacement.

[–] PMYA 4 points (+4|-0) 7 years ago

I get that, but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

[–] InnocentBystander 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

Your website gave me cancer.

I can't decide which is worse, the design, the (lack of) research into the subject, or the writing.
They were all spectacularly bad.

You should be ashamed.
Bad, Sweater. No! .

[–] Hockey_Sweater [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago

After AIDS homophobia how did society get gay positive through mass immigration while going on and on about the Holocaust?

[–] InnocentBystander 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

Jesuz, is that supposed to be a sentence.
Just one? There seems to be a few ideas all run together.

Can you translate that into non-crazy person? Maybe add some periods and separate the ideas.

[–] Hockey_Sweater [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago

-AIDS killed 30 million.

-Rap music went mainstream in 1990.

-The homophobia AIDS created was downloaded onto skinny boys with freckles. People flew into a rage at who had made friends with minorities first.

-There's a lot more to cover.

Check out these pics of some sexy, sexy Nazis.

[–] himmler 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

Totally. The jews did it. You know it. I know it. Everyone knows it.