[–] Butler_crosley 1 points (+1|-0)

Not for me. I think this is being overblown.

[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

How'd you come to that opinion?

[–] Butler_crosley 0 points (+0|-0)

Understanding that the Earth's cycles are something we don't fully comprehend and that they could last longer than man has walked the Earth. Just from my own observations and interactions with nature I've seen how remarkably resilient the natural world is and I don't think we can screw it up enough to end all life. Nature will adapt to anything humans do and doesn't care if humans even exist. So whenever I see these articles proclaiming doom and gloom that the world is ending I just laugh because unless we are about to do something to the Earth's core or a planet killing asteroid is going to hit, the world isn't ending. Humanity on a whole is incredibly vain when it comes to our interactions with nature.

[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Nature will adapt to anything humans do and doesn't care if humans even exist...

Yes, the planet will be fine in a million years or so. Climate change is not about saving the planet, it about saving our children and the species unfortunate enough to share the planet with us at the moment.

Understanding that the Earth's cycles are something we don't fully comprehend and that they could last longer than man has walked the Earth.

We don't fully understand what the weather is going to be tomorrow either, but we know enough to make useful predictions. We're never going to understand everything, and that argument is a cop out. For over thirty years now there has been no other theory that can explain the extremely rapid (compared to natural cycles) warming of the last 50 years, apart from anthopogenic greenhouse gas forcing. We're always going to be refining our knowledge, but just like predicting the weather, we'll never get it exactly right. Just like the weather, that doesn't matter, because at this stage we are very confident that we have identified the problem. We know how to fix it, and we know humanity is going to suffer if we don't. The real problem is powerful vested interests putting out propaganda to make people doubt the clear conclusions of the world's scientists, just so they can profit for a few more years.