Less than a month ago I had to cancel my trip to California because kitty wasn't eating much many days and required hand feeding every few hours. Little timeline of events:

~Nov 6: Kitty refuses eating a majority of food I have at home, found only 1 thing he'll eat. Vomiting a few times/week around here.

Nov 8: Took kitty to vet because of little eating. Bloodwork showed liver enzyme levels continued decreasing, got fluid and vitamin injections. Cancelled flight.

Nov 9: Kitty vomited 9 times in 24 hours

Nov 10: Kitty back at vet. X-rays show no obstructions. Get antibiotic and appetite stimulants. Kitty stops eating all food I have at home. Kitty only eating broth treats..

Nov 11 - Dec 1: Pet store every 1-2 days to find different foods to experiment if he'll eat or not. Had to go through about 30 different foods across ~8 different brands. Most he wouldn't touch, some he'd eat for a day or two then refuse after that. Calories/day range from 50 to 130 (he should be at 200+). Vomiting less frequent. Still feeding every 2-3 hours.

Dec 2: Refusing all random foods, try old foods from my closet again. Actually eats them and a decent amount.

Dec 3: Kitty finally ate a full proper amount of calories throughout the day, about 210 calories. It took 12 feedings between 3:30am and 2:10am, feeding every 1 to 3 hours. This entirely the old food from my closet that he started refusing a month ago. Also had his liver meds and appetite stimulants.

He hasn't vomited in about 2 weeks now. Oddly the thing that seems to have caused him vomiting less is that I keep a fluffy hand towel wrapped over him a majority of the day to keep him warm. Not sure why, but once I started doing that ~20 hours/day, the vomiting has almost entirely disappeared.

Anyways, I hope this keeps up. He still requires full time care and hand feeding most of the time, but he started finishing larger meals (~1 ounce) on his own in about 20 minutes yesterday, versus taking 2 hours to eat tiny meals of a quarter or half ounce.

Less than a month ago I had to cancel my trip to California because kitty wasn't eating much many days and required hand feeding every few hours. Little timeline of events: ~Nov 6: Kitty refuses eating a majority of food I have at home, found only 1 thing he'll eat. Vomiting a few times/week around here. Nov 8: Took kitty to vet because of little eating. Bloodwork showed liver enzyme levels continued decreasing, got fluid and vitamin injections. Cancelled flight. Nov 9: Kitty vomited 9 times in 24 hours Nov 10: Kitty back at vet. X-rays show no obstructions. Get antibiotic and appetite stimulants. Kitty stops eating all food I have at home. Kitty only eating broth treats.. Nov 11 - Dec 1: Pet store every 1-2 days to find different foods to experiment if he'll eat or not. Had to go through about 30 different foods across ~8 different brands. Most he wouldn't touch, some he'd eat for a day or two then refuse after that. Calories/day range from 50 to 130 (he should be at 200+). Vomiting less frequent. Still feeding every 2-3 hours. Dec 2: Refusing all random foods, try old foods from my closet again. Actually eats them and a decent amount. Dec 3: Kitty finally ate a full proper amount of calories throughout the day, about 210 calories. It took 12 feedings between 3:30am and 2:10am, feeding every 1 to 3 hours. This entirely the old food from my closet that he started refusing a month ago. Also had his liver meds and appetite stimulants. He hasn't vomited in about 2 weeks now. Oddly the thing that seems to have caused him vomiting less is that I keep a fluffy hand towel wrapped over him a majority of the day to keep him warm. Not sure why, but once I started doing that ~20 hours/day, the vomiting has almost entirely disappeared. Anyways, I hope this keeps up. He still requires full time care and hand feeding most of the time, but he started finishing larger meals (~1 ounce) on his own in about 20 minutes yesterday, versus taking 2 hours to eat tiny meals of a quarter or half ounce.