[–] jobes [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

The Ontario Ministry's website says "an equitable mathematics curriculum recognizes that mathematics can be subjective". The post goes on to state:

"Mathematics is often positioned as an objective and pure discipline. However, the content and the context in which it is taught, the mathematicians who are celebrated, and the importance that is placed upon mathematics by society are subjective."

I think the key line here is "the mathematicians who are celebrated". If only Euler or Pythagoras were black then math wouldn't be racist anymore.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 1 points (+1|-0)

I wholeheartedly agree with this nonsense because these people will be completely unprepared for IT and tech fields where math is 100% objective and you can't just do whatever you want when putting a formula into a computer. It's job security for me since they'll have to take remedial math before they can get into the field. Of course by then they will have figured out just how stupid this virtue signalling is and make sure it never happens again. And with the "rage generation" where emotions trump all, it will end up being a bigger point than it needs to be to fix the issue and the political and overton windows will jerk back the other direction. It's all a pendulum anyway.