[–] Justintoxicated 2 points (+2|-0)

...hmmm yeah nobody "invites" the police to the party, believe me if Hempfest back in the 90's could've got away with "banning police" they would have.

[–] Boukert 1 points (+1|-0)

ppl of colour protesting police "oppression" and the position of ppl of color in Canada..... Soooo yeah, could someone explain this one to me?

The festival should include more well-funded spaces for trans and colored people,

Those damn greedy, oppressing, discriminating gays!

Pride history must be acknowledged as a demonstration against police oppression.

Sooo basically hijack the celebration day of gays and their normal place in society (which is strengthened by military and police participation) for political gain to start a crusade against the "oppressive discriminating policeforce" ..... Truly sickening

[–] COFfeebreak 1 points (+1|-0)

Of course they mean participating in their display of Pride as they have no authority to decrease the presence of a municipalities tax-paid enforcement of crowd control and safety. It would be of benefit to see which members, in their off-time, choose to indicate the mental status if those people are proud enough to display their mental aberration as it impacts public safety, the job they were hired to protect.

Seems rather intolerant for a parade demanding tolerance.
Almost as if this movement has lost it's way.

I support gay rights 100%.
I don't support any bigoted groups or intolerant cultures. So Edmonton-Pride can go fuck itself.
Cops can be gay, and the Edmonton fags should celebrate those law enforcement agencies that have protected them and supported them.

Its incredible to me how few protesters were required for them to cave.

Especially when you see the picture.
Black people? Complaining about gay rights in Edmonton??

That doesn't make any sense. Edmonton didn't get any black people until the 90's, and by then being gay was mostly acceptable and entirely supported/protected by law enforcement.

Statistically speaking, there was no such thing as a gay-black person in western Canada during the time of gay intolerance.
Fuck BLM. They should be thanking Canada for being so progressive. We were a destination, not a source on the underground railroad.

[–] Phukadoodledo 0 points (+0|-0)

Why should law enforcement be celebrated? Is enforcement of the law through threats of violence and coercion really be celebrated especially when most laws that are broken are victimless.?

I thinks it's irresponsible and pathetic to allow others to force their will over yours, especially when you have not committed aggression against others. At that point you're a slave with no control over your own will.

There's no point of having police at any parade because that's not usually a place where aggression occurs. If anything the likely hood of aggression increases with police presence.

Why should law enforcement be celebrated?

Because they are the ones who protect your ability to live a free and reasonably safe life.
If you think there should be no cops, I think you're insane and should move to Somalia and try it out.

If you do agree that having cops around is a good idea, then are cops not allowed to be gay? Do gay cops not get the same rights that non-cop gays get?

[–] Phukadoodledo 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Also about the Somalia thing. If you knew anything about the politics there you would know that it is a bunch of government factions trying to fight for land ownership using threats of violence and coercion. So technically it's a bunch of mini states having a localized war. Basically a small scale version of our world.

[–] Phukadoodledo 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

But I never asked them to protect me. Every interaction I've had with cops (speeding, broken tail lights, seatbelt violations) I have been coerced into paying them money based on victimless crimes.

I never said we should not have security. We should be able to hire people to have security. Malls, businesses, parking lots have security and they have a 0 kdr (kill death ratio).

Cops initiate violence and coercion more than the citizens do. Cops are not security. They enforce law, they don't protect and serve.

Where the fuck did you inflate that I said cops can't be gay. All I meant was, if you're going to dress up in a costume that makes you believe you have authority over people's will and sovereignty then you should probably not go to a parade that is celebrating people's claim to sovereignty.

(Also if you're going to rely on cops and law for your moral compass then you really haven't thought this through. You only do as your told. Which is the slave mentality. Wake the fuck up.)