

A blog site, with a paypal button at the top, is not a reputable source of information.
Especially when the only source it cites, is a video of an aggressive guy being ignored.

Disingenuous at best, but more likely straight up dishonest propaganda.

[–] Hockey_Sweater [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Don't look now but the Muslim brotherhood is here and whites will be a minority soon.

You have to be brainwashed into population replacement.

It's not my fault all of the sites pointing that out are shitty and have paypal buttons.

I've never had a problem finding credible sources that make muslims look like savages.
Try any history book.

An opinion blog is 100% worthless as a source. It only gains value when it cites valid sources.
Otherwise, you're preaching to the choir. It doesn't score any points for validity of your opinions.