I never really saw the problem with them TBH. Obesity is a huge problem, and making it taboo to criticize just because it hurts somebody's feelings will only make the problem worse and lead to more health problems and greater suffering. It's literally killing people.
In my book, one problem with FPH et al. is that they appear to be far more interested in exploiting the issue for narcissistic sanctimony and ultimately bigotry than actually tackling it.
Just bringing up the readily available fact that obesity in many cases is not proportional to the amount of "bad" food consumed and/or physical exercise skipped but strongly linked to the genetic and epigenetic aspects of metabolism (vulgo: how the individual's body processes the food taken in) and that likewise, one's skinniness is often not testament to one's frugality and virtue in life, will send them into hissy fits.
I do not agree with cracking down on FPH et al. and/or making them outcasts either. But they definitely ain't boy scouts just trying to highlight a problem.
At least FPH was funny.