I could do with a beach a bit closer and a few more warmer days. What do you say?

I'm not even sure if I'm trolling myself, so don't ask.

I could do with a beach a bit closer and a few more warmer days. What do you say? *I'm not even sure if I'm trolling myself, so don't ask.*


[–] Butler_crosley 2 points (+2|-0)

So instead of waiting on natural evolution we do it ourselves? I'd say at this point given our current knowledge of human genetics that it isn't feasible, yet. The human genomes are still be researched to focus on diseases so it would require a pretty significant shift to research the genes that influence physical adaptations to the environment. I think that is still in the realm of science fiction but could become reality but it will be reactive instead of proactive. I don't think it will make climate change irrelevant (since it will always happen) but I think if gene editing is taken too far then it could have some serious reprecussions if we don't have the human genome completely solved.