I own 1 XMR.

I own 1 XMR.


I proudly own 1/100th of a bitcoin 81$ worth. It's fun waking up in the morning and seeing it be worth more or less.

[–] fusir 1 points (+1|-0)

Bitcoin. Made made out goooood. I got out in the right time too.

[–] Justintoxicated 0 points (+0|-0)

I used to trade options for awhile, now I don't quite have the time so I mostly just go long with limit orders set.

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

My 401k, personal IRA, various mutual funds and company stock. My mutual funds have lost about 3% in value over the last 6 months, but I'm up over 3% in that same period because of dividend payments, which is cool.