I'm not too proud of the amount of time I've spent on a certain cookie clicker clone.

I'm not too proud of the amount of time I've spent on a certain cookie clicker clone.


[–] PMYA 4 points (+5|-1)

Dragster. Barnstorming. Spy Hunter.

Half of the games I play are complete aids but they're fun in a speedrun setting.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+2|-1)

What do you like about speed run games?

[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

Part of it is the competitive aspect, it's rewarding to put work into a game and not just compete with your past self, but also do it faster than other people. Another side of it, which doesn't ring true in all games, but does in most, is finding new ways to break the game or play it in a way that is not intended.

It's also just a more focused and interactive way of playing a game. I never understood Goldeneye as a speed game, those runners grind out the same minute long level tens of thousands of times just to improve it by one second. I played it a while ago and after a couple of hours I finally got into it and my heart started racing when I was waiting for the in game time to show at the end of levels.

There is so much variety too. A speedrun for Skyrim is incredibly different to one for Super Mario Bros, and even the speedrun itself can be wildly different from playing the game normally.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

Mount Your Friends. That game is fucking retarded, but has a massive skill curve. I play it pretty often with @ohphukimintrouble but we haven't played too much recently. Will probably get a game in this weekend if you wanna join in

[–] KFCNyanCat 1 points (+1|-0)

NES Tetris. Not really a bad game, but after playing lots of TGM2, some mechanics that NES Tetris lacks makes it outright frustrating.

[–] NiggerPhuk 0 points (+1|-1) Edited

Temple of Elemental Evil. The game was broken even with two patches. I got limited enjoyment from it as a kid because it has a very cool story and a variety of monsters like few games do. Thankfully while looking to get it again I stumbled upon a group of people who have now spent 15 years or more working in this game and ironing out all the bugs and creating whole new environments, quests, monsters, and even cities. There are still some bugs but few game breakers. Having your two enslaved gods get their asses kicked by npcs in the new areas is hilarious.