My S/O and I both looked at each other once and were like... wtf is that? maybe a shift in earth pressure during change of season? It's been really windy here but I don't understand all that. It just happened to me again just now and made me wonder if other people feel that?

My S/O and I both looked at each other once and were like... wtf is that? maybe a shift in earth pressure during change of season? It's been really windy here but I don't understand all that. It just happened to me again just now and made me wonder if other people feel that?


[–] pembo210 6 points (+6|-0)

Yes, a few times a week at least.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

wow that's pretty often... I get it like a few a year...

[–] pembo210 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

I installed car stereos and subwoofer systems in cars years ago. I probably have some damage.

[–] Polsaker 4 points (+4|-0)

It happens to me when there's absolute silence, like when I'm in the bed trying to sleep.

But if it's two people hearing it, it might be something similar to the mosquito alarm (sound in a frequency that only young people can hear, it's happened to me and a few friends too).

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I've heard of that! that makes sense for a lot of cases when I looked it up but we were on the 9th floor of a high rise... we only moved like 3 months ago

edit: Where I live now that makes no sense. We're besides a lake.

editedit: LIVE NOT LEAVE.... fucking bag english fingers on my keyboard.. it isn't me I swear

[–] Polsaker 4 points (+4|-0)

I remember old CRT TVs were very annoying to me because they made that fucking noise that nobody in my family could hear but me

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

hmph.... now that is curious.... I forgot all about that crap.... how much are we really susceptible to as humans in terms of frequency? this would make for cool study

edit: by crap I mean interesting material I haven't thought of in a while

[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0)

something similar happens to me pretty regularly. i have some pretty good tinnitus anyway but every now and then there'll be a significant change in tone. sometimes i think about trying to hunt down a source but it seems like too much of a bother for something that hasn't negatively affected me.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

yeah cool. I just had it happen here again... dunno wtf that is... I assume atmospheric pressure or something because it's not like you can run around the moment it happens asking everyone if they felt it without sounding crazy lol

[+] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)
[–] THC 2 points (+2|-0)

If it's both of you at once it's external. If it's just one or the other it's internal. Pressure can affect it but usually brief ringing is actually brought on by that particular freq in your ear dying. Otherwise known as the angels song. In addition, it's interesting to note that a lot of tinnitus is actually mentally induced via stressors such as anxiety and so on.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

wowow thank you very much for the information. Angels song.... so maybe this time it was just me because I'm losing frequency... but what about the time we both had it? the external time? what then?

[–] THC 1 points (+1|-0)

Could either be a coincidence or it could have been something electronic like an old CRT TV (I can hear those when they're on). As long as it goes away you generally shouldn't worry too much about it.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

i've heard that and i've also heard that its a myth. fwiw, the science behind hearing is pretty imperfect but if every not real tone i heard meant i'd no longer hear that or some tone, i feel like i'd have noticed with some of the music i listen to. also, i can still hear mosquito alarm/shitty old tv sound. and try standing within 30ft of the speakers of a large venue regularly and tell me tinnitus is mental lol. -not to sound defensive, just drunk-

[–] THC 1 points (+1|-0)

Well I'm talking about 1/100 or 1/1000hz loss, so no you would not be able to tell the difference over the long period. I too can hear both of those things but I know for a fact that my hearing has had some form of loss. And yes, you can incur tinnitus from loud ass noises. I said a lot of tinnitus is mental, not all of it. I've personally experienced the effects of the mental version including; tonic tensor tympani syndrome (my tympanic membrane had muscle spasms that I could both hear and physically feel) as recently as a couple weeks ago while finishing up a rather stressful school semester that ended after I completed it. Go home Fluf, your'e drunk!

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

@Polsaker needs to weigh in on this... he was just mentioning we lose roughly 5 kilohertz becoming full blown adults (25-30) so there's a chance we lose a lot because of music and crap we do... losing a hertz or two a day wouldn't really mean anything like you're saying... but I'd bet it's based on activities... headphones with death metal is probably a day you lose more... or does it even work like that? it's so interesting!!

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

Strange that you both have it as the same time. Should mean it isn't tinnitus. Could be a change in atmospheric pressure or aliens.

[–] E-werd 0 points (+0|-0)

Likely a sudden and significant atmospheric pressure change, which is what causes wind in the first place.