After doing X pushups a day for 36 days, I forgot to do my final X/10 pushups last night after a busy day.

It was an interesting experiment, though aiming to get a relatively large fixed number done every single day made me conservative regarding intensity. I'm more capable of pushing things away from me now than when I started, but I think I'd be making bigger improvements, with less wear on my body, while spending less time, by doing something more conventional.

Think I'll try doing 10 maximal sets per week, allowing for a couple of rest days when I feel like it. Should be much less of a time drain and more fun to try to increase my maximum reps.

After doing X pushups a day for 36 days, I forgot to do my final X/10 pushups last night after a busy day. It was an interesting experiment, though aiming to get a relatively large fixed number done every single day made me conservative regarding intensity. I'm more capable of pushing things away from me now than when I started, but I think I'd be making bigger improvements, with less wear on my body, while spending less time, by doing something more conventional. Think I'll try doing 10 maximal sets per week, allowing for a couple of rest days when I feel like it. Should be much less of a time drain and more fun to try to increase my maximum reps.


[–] smallpond [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Types H, W, N1, N2; reps in units of X/20 rounded down.

H(6)+N2(5), N1(6), - , H(7)+N1(7);

C+N2(6)+W(7), - , H(6)+N1(6)+W(7), C+H(7)+N2(6), N1(6)+N2(6), - ,H(7);

N1(6)+N2(7), H(6)+C+N2(6), N1(7)+N1(6), - , H(7)+N1(6), - ,W(6)+N2(6);

C+N1(7)+W(7), N1(6)+H(6), H(6)+N2(7), - ,N1(6)+N2(6), - , H(6)+W(7);

H(7)+N1(6), H(7)+N2(7), H(7)+W(7), - , C+W(7)+N1(6), - ,N1(7)+W(7);

C+N1(7)+W(7), N1(7)+N2(7), N1(7)+H(7), - , N1(7)+H(8)+C, N1(7)+H(7), - ;

N1(7)+H(7), N1(7)+N2(7), N1(7)+W(7)+C, - , N1(7)+H(7), N1(7)+N2(7)+C, - ;

N1(7)+H(8), N1(7)+N2(7), N1(7)+W(7), C+N2(7)+H(7), - , N1(7)+H(7), - ;

N1-7 N2-7, H-7 N3-7, N3-7 H-7, N3-8 C W-7, - , N3-8 H-7, - ;

N2-7 N3-8 S, b N1-6 H-5, b N1-6 N2-5, bC N3-6 H-6, b , b N3-7 H-6, - ;

b N1-7 C N2-7 S, N3-7 N1-7 b, N1-7 N2-6 Cb, N1-7 N2-7 bB, - , N3-7 N2-4 b, - ;

N3-7 W-6 b, N3-8 H-3 Cb, N3-7 H-6 b, C N3-7 H-7 b, - , N3-8 b N2-5,