In the last decade ive maybe done a few hundred pushups. I hate exercise for its own sake but I am intrigued by the reaults of the 100 a day 30 day challenge so here we are. I got 34 so far and will try ti find somewhere to do the rest today. The last 10 were not easy. Fuck. Done. For the day.

In the last decade ive maybe done a few hundred pushups. I hate exercise for its own sake but I am intrigued by the reaults of the 100 a day 30 day challenge so here we are. I got 34 so far and will try ti find somewhere to do the rest today. The last 10 were not easy. Fuck. Done. For the day.


I would advise you to slightly modify the routine. Skip a day at least once a week. The muscles need rest time to develop efficiently. Working out too much can reduce the effects.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Really for pushups? I just figured its such a minor workout it wouldn't need rest time.

Yep, any workout. It's why bodybuilders, and other exercise types only work one portion of muscles each day. The have a leg day, then arm, etc. That way each group of muscles gets some time off in between.
Also, if the workout is 'minor' then the results will be also. So on days you do work out, make sure you go until it burns.

I am no expert, but I have spent a good amount of time with people who are, and that's what I've picked up. It would probably be beneficial to google it, and find out what the best ratio of working to resting is.
You can actually improve your gains by doing less work.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

Nice. Any possibility you'll be posting results?

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Pictures? I'd be pretty embarrassed having strangers look at my fatness but we will see.

[–] simone 2 points (+2|-0)

Good luck on your journey, I look forward to updates.